All healing is the cleansing of the illusion that you are anything but love.
Katarina Winslow
Born 1969 in Malmö, Sweden.
I am an intuitive healer, author, and visionary based in Brussels.
For the first part of my career, I used my eyes and my creative imagination throughout a twenty-year-old career as a graphic designer and painter, to create more beauty in the exterior world.
At the age of thirty-five, my spiritual healing gift became visible to me
when I had my first channeling experience.
Since then I am putting my gift in service to others and the
world to communicate messages from the healing source and
people's all-knowing selves.
My mission is to help people find more beauty in themselves and
in their lives and to raise consciousness as a miracle worker in people's
personal life and in the world as a lightworker, author and speaker.
"Katarina's multiple mystical journeys and her major spiritual awakenings is a fascinating journey.
The road she traveled to find her true identity and the truth of her past, is a mysterious inner journey. Today, she uses her intuition and imagination in service of others, helping people to find more beauty in themselves and liberate them from their past. As an intuitive healer, she releases your wounded baggage by connecting
to your aura in the spiritual realm. A psychic movie of your psychological wounds is cleansed and liberated by her channeling and her
creative imagination.
The earth energy, the ultimate healer, and our
all-conditioning loving mother receives your pain and transcends and transforms your trauma.
With her spiritual gift, she helps you to release and let go of all that is keeping you from loving yourself more. It is the all-knowing part of yourself, your personal hard-drive, that communicates to her through the spiritual realm.
Intuitive at birth, she often entered people’s auras as a child to be able to rest in the beautiful center of her parents, protected from the unsettling circumstances of her childhood.
After three years of a bulimic prison as a teenager, Katarina had her first spiritual awakening, which intensified her search for truth.
The search for the truth about her family and
the truth about the human experience brought her to her mission.
The search for identity is cathartic; she courageously embarks on a profound spiritual and psychological journey to heal her wounds at a depth of her being to one day be in service for other people’s search for their truth. On her journey, she recognized the wisdom of her soul, to receive her calling.
In remembrance of her truth, she opened up her being to the communion with all that is.
As a gifted intuitive healer, she recognizes beauty in the artwork of your soul when she heals the wounds of your experience. In the spiritual realm, she works with clients all around the world to help people relinquish energies that do not belong to their true selves. Where time and space do not exist, in the realm of the soul, she cleanses and transforms to help you be free to be authentically you. Through her healing journey her eyes and her inner eye have grown to encompass deep spiritual dimensions of healing for this world. In the same soulful way, her art carries healing energies from other dimensions.
From her lifelong observations, she has increased awareness of how to heal your life by clearer seeing the psychological patterns one can be trapped in and why.
Her work is filled with healing light and beauty for the world."